because the Nascar season ended and the Golf tournament doesn't really get exciting until the Final Round and because I have a boat load of things I needed (and still need to) do this weekend including laundry, paying bills, bottling homemade Kalua (recipe to follow) changing the sheets, baking pumpkin bread, finishing and listing some earrings reconciling the checkbook and hopefully starting some little penguins . and because Honey loves me..... he volunteered to take the kids on their afternoon walk, which is usually my job. Thanks Honey! You need to make this. You will not regret it☺ Homemade Kalua Ingredients: 3 cups sugar 3 cups water 3 Tbls instant coffee 2 Tbls vanilla paste * 4 cups vodka Mix sugar, coffee and water together and simmer for 1 hour. Do Not Boil. After an hour turn heat off and let cool. Once cooled, add vanilla and vodka and bottle it up. ~Make sure that you mix well before you...