Garden Update ☺

I actually didn't quite know what to do with myself this weekend;~) Every weekend lately has been about "The Garden" I was able to finish planting last weekend, and since it was a three day weekend, I also had the time to catch up on some of the more pressing house cleaning duties☺ This Saturday it rained all day so I didn't even have to water the garden, so besides the usual weekend stuff like laundry and such I was pretty much a lady of leisure☺ I thought this would be a good time to show what all we've accomplished on the garden area. I'll start with a quick recap of how it all started Two years ago, we did this. Tilled under the entire yard and started over. We separated it into different sections ~ The "Patio Area" with a fire pit, and an area for raised garden beds where the trees make it nearly impossible to grow decent grass. We left the garden area unfinished because, honestly, we were pretty much exhausted☺ The ...