What exactly is a Snarf?
A little bit of random..... My babies spend a lot of their time patrolling the floor for ANYTHING edible, ( then there is Lily who usually goes right for either paper towels, toilet paper or kleenex, it doesn't matter which, just whatever is accessible ) but I digress... My baby Scoobie Doo Anywhoooo.. when they are patrolling they make this sound. It's not a simple sniffing sound, it's more of a snort. It's almost as if they have discovered something edible on an anatomical level and if they sniff hard enough they can separate it from the floor. The word I immediately think of is "Snarf" and yes it has a capital "S" in my brain. And you may be asking yourself "Why do you think of the word "Snarf" with a capital S?" Well, 'cause it's actually a brain-tumbling-over-it's-self domino effect. The actual first thing that comes to my mind is Dr. Seuss, 'cause the sound that comes out of the kids while...