I Know You've Been Waiting.......

Thought I would show you what I did with the stairs. When I laid the Pergo in the bedroom and hallway, I had every intention of doing the stairs too. After feeling just how slippery this stuff is, I knew I had to cover the stairs with SOMETHING. I have mentioned that I have dogs (my babies) and they run up and down these stairs at top speed. Then I thought to myself, if I am going to have to cover them anyway why go through all the work of putting down Pergo. I decided to paint instead. The stairs are made out of that really chunky kind of particle board, so they have a really cool texture. I painted them with a tannish paint, then went over them with a really dark glaze. I really like the way the painting came out. Then I had to figure out how to cover them for "dog safety". And , honestly, as slick as that Pergo is there is definitely an issue with "people safety" also. So, I started looking for "carpet squares". Apparently they are one of the coolest...