
Showing posts from October 18, 2011

some new beady stuff

In addition to the owls I've been working (and reworking & reworking) on, I have a  few new pendant and bead sets. The little 'bee hive' beads. Cute huh? The little birdy beads. Cute too huh? Who doesn't love humming birds? And I finally decided on THE owl design(s) The large ones (approx 1 inch tall) and the small ones (approx  3/4 inch tall) are slightly different designs. I like both designs and of course each bead has it's own "personality" since each one is made by hand.  I'm hoping to start listing all of these in the next few days☺ *(coming fish and dragonflies☺)* And since I ONLY have about a gazillion unfinished projects in the works, I decided I should add a little something. Something simple... just to keep my hands busy... when i am just relaxing... We all know how much I LOVE seed beads (OMG they drive me CRAZY!) Nothing like starting "simple" when trying something new;~) Is there a cure for th...