Dusting off the cobwebs......☺

Apparently I only come  here occasionally to dust off the cobwebs.

Well, it is March.

More specifically, it is St Patrick's Day.
Image result for st patrick's day

That's not even why I'm here.  I know ... random.😏

I'm here to post a bunch of pictures of stuff I have been doing since the first of the year.
I've mentioned before that I do post pics more regularly on Facebook.
If you would care to click the ever so convenient link to my
page and give it a like you would see stuff a lot more often😉

Ok...... here we go!

I'm really enjoying making these!

I've been doing a lot of wire weaving.

This one is from a Nicole Hanna tutorial.

So is this one with a slight variation due to a broken wire☺

And then there is this super cool but quite large birdie pendant☺

I've also been doing some clay work.
This time around it was air dry paper clay.
Talk about trying my patience!
I am not good at waiting.
The dry time about killed me! haha!
It's a fairy house☺
This is the back.

And this is the front.
Super cute!! RIGHT??

As soon as I get some more packing peanuts,
 it will be on it's way to Montana where my sister
will give it an awesome paint job☺

I also completely re-did my website.
That was a serious amount of work but I couldn't be happier!
I love the way it looks now.
When you get a spare moment you could go check
it out and let me know what you think.

I've been trying to add stuff there on the regular☺


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