In my neck of the woods....

I have a  Love~Hate  thing with fall.

Love the colors. Fall colors, earth tones are my absolute favs!
Love the fact that the gardening and yard work is finished for another year.
As much as I love my yard and garden, I'm pooped☺
The view from our deck  Sept 28, 2013
Hate the fact that Winter is very VERY close.
These colors will only be here another week or so then the trees will be bare.
The snow won't be far behind;(
I should feel lucky, I suppose, since last year
at this time it was snowing.
(My husband has a morbid need to keep track of these things.)

We did have a little bit of 'ugly' earlier in the week,
just not in my neighborhood.
Anchorage and Eagle River got dumped on pretty good.
The view from the front door of the shop.
Monday morning Sept 23, 2013
And, as you might imagine, most of the cars in the pic were there 
to have their snow tires installed. Surprise!

Well, in honor of Fall, and the fact that the
 YOJP prompt for Week 39 was "Fall Colors"
I whipped out some leaves I had made
(I think it was last year, maybe the year before☺)
and fulfilled my obligation for Weeks 37, 38 and 39.

And I know I keep saying that I am going to keep up with this project, then I fall behind,
but since I am not an outdoor person in the winter, I do have a tendency to
have a lot more time to create, so there is hope☺


  1. Hi Pat,
    That is one gorgeous view from your back deck. Oh my if it snowed here in Alabama in September it would be a total shut down of the whole State. I love the earrings and necklace they are beautiful and a good representation of fall.


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