the aftermath

When you finish a project do you immediately
clean up and put all of the left over bits away?
Or are you like me
and totally lose interest as soon as the project is complete?

I'm embarrassed to say that this
is still sitting...patiently waiting  to be put away....

since Sept. 12....when I finished by bead soup project;~(
Obviously I see no reason to rush into anything.


  1. Oh don't feel bad and don't be hard on yourself. I too tend to walk away when I finish a project and just leave the mess until later. You do such beautiful work! I love it all.

    Hugs XX

  2. okay you are worse than me...I just put everything in a big plastic bag & put it in a drawer with all kinds of unfinished projects, but since they are out of sight, I'll forget about those beads & darnit! I can't find them again so I buy the same beads over & over & over.


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