I originally had this little story tagged on to another blog post, but after some thought I decided it needed it's own space☺ I wanted to share this with you. This tree is in the middle of the loop of the off-ramp leading from the Glenn Hwy to the Old Glenn Hwy. It is the ONLY tree inside that loop. And believe me when I tell you this tree is in the middle of no where. For about 10 miles around there are no buildings, no homes , no businesses, no street lights, no nothing but commuters commuting, and it is DARK. Photo by Bill Roth / Anchorage Daily News This first happened about 3 years ago, right around Christmas, I'm driving along and all of a sudden, OMG LOOK AT THAT!!! Someone has been lighting up this tree every Winter for the last three years, and that person has chosen to stay anonymous. Radio stations, local television news shows and the Daily News have all asked the question "Who lights the tree?" Obviously, the person or persons in question do not ...