My New Kitchen
When we moved into this house it had white walls in the kitchen, I got tired of the white walls and white cabinets, so I did this.
Now, for years I have wanted a kitchen island. We have a large kitchen and almost no counter space. We got our cabinet at Lowes. It was an unclaimed special order, so it was really cheap.
There was only one problem...... I wanted a RED island and that would certainly clash with my "artsy" walls. So I informed my horrified husband that the walls were going to have to be painted to match the new island.
My husband didn't have an issue with painting the walls (I do all the painting around here). He just couldn't quite wrap his brain around a "Red Kitchen".

He picked out the tile for the top of the island. He thought that having dark tile might tone down the red. I don't know if it tones it down or brings it out more but I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it! We went with 12" marble tile. We decided that 24"x36" was too small for the top and 36"x48" was way too big, we finally decide on 30"x42". This created a slight problem, since we don't own a tile cutter.
I solved that problem by smashing up some black granite tiles and doing a mosaic around the outside of the marble tiles.
I Love my new kitchen.
It took two very full days, but I finished all but the grouting, in a weekend.
A little black grout, and.......VOILA!!! extra counter space.

Now, for years I have wanted a kitchen island. We have a large kitchen and almost no counter space. We got our cabinet at Lowes. It was an unclaimed special order, so it was really cheap.

My husband didn't have an issue with painting the walls (I do all the painting around here). He just couldn't quite wrap his brain around a "Red Kitchen".

He picked out the tile for the top of the island. He thought that having dark tile might tone down the red. I don't know if it tones it down or brings it out more but I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it! We went with 12" marble tile. We decided that 24"x36" was too small for the top and 36"x48" was way too big, we finally decide on 30"x42". This created a slight problem, since we don't own a tile cutter.

It took two very full days, but I finished all but the grouting, in a weekend.

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